tours oaxaca

Tour Extensions - Special programs outside Oaxaca state

Mexico City ,Tlaxcala & Puebla
This is a beautiful and historically important region of Mexico as it was the seat of the New Spain and today a vibrant business area of modern Mexico.

As Tlaxcalan warriors helped Hernan Cortez and the Spanish troops to fight against the mighty Aztec empire in the summer or 1521, Tlaxcala afterwards was honored as the first & only Indian nation of the Americas. The city received its own coat of arms and its inhabitant’s larger land grants, tax exemptions and many benefits unheard of elsewhere in the New Spain. Puebla on the other hand was where all the Spanish merchants & traders first arrived and established the work shops of most manufacturing goods, guilds we created and distribution of these goods were sent out throughout the Americas.

Programs are tailored to visit an extraordinary combination of colonial treasures, regional cuisine, wonderful art & folk art and beautiful ancient cities.

Oaxaca City Map Central Valleys Map
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