
The Spanish in XVI century called the region Guatemala from the Aztec Word Quauhtemallan or "Forested Land". The lowlands have some of the most impressive Maya Kingdoms known to the world and the highlands are punctuated by soaring volcanoes and great crater lakes that provide breathtaking beauty amongst the pine forests.

Locked in an eternal spring that rarely changes from a comfortable 72 degrees and densely populated by many Indian nations that are distinguished by their own unique and colorful style of dress, customs and handicrafts; Guatemala is among the most beautiful places in Latin America.
Programs are tailored to satisfy endless cultural interests in this fascinating region.


Things to see and do

Colorful weekly "Tianguis" or market days in which Indian nations bring their goods to buy and sell in Santa Maria de Jesus, Solola, Chichicastenango etc.
Boat rides on beautiful Lake Atitlan.
UNESCO World Heritage Colonial City of Antigua
Exquisite Guatemalan Cuisine
Indian Communities that retain a native dress code, language, Indian government, customs, and community services, such as in San Antonio Aguascalientes, Santiango Atitlan, san Juan Comalapa, Alta Vera Paz etc.
Great Museums and Colonial Treasures Antigua.
Great Folk Art in villages in textiles, masks, pottery, forged iron etc.

Fabulous Ancient Cities of Ceibal, San Bartolo, Dos Pilas, Tikal etc.
A Rain Forest with a network of communities that offer walks to identify plants and birds, swim in water falls and visit ancient relics.